The Art of Asking - or how I came to embrace my giant squid
I remember the first time I met Amanda Palmer. It was at a signing (for context here's a blog I wrote at the time ), so it was over fairly quickly. All I said was thank you, and I smiled. She smiled back and looked me straight in the eye. At the time I couldn't comprehend that she could be interested in me as much more than another face in a line of fans. The look in her eye said otherwise. Yes, she was in a daze, but in the moment she was searching me, looking for a connection, trying to see if I'd enjoyed the show - her Fraud Police were in force that night. She talks about eye contact and communicating by making these connections with people in her book, The Art of Asking . She also talks about the Fraud Police which I'll get to in a minute. For her, these connections are easy to make, second nature really. She's been making them since she was fresh out of college earning money as a living statue (and yes, earning is the right word, it's not a job I envy)...