
Showing posts from August, 2015

The Art of Asking - or how I came to embrace my giant squid

I remember the first time I met Amanda Palmer. It was at a signing (for context here's a blog I wrote at the time ), so it was over fairly quickly. All I said was thank you, and I smiled. She smiled back and looked me straight in the eye. At the time I couldn't comprehend that she could be interested in me as much more than another face in a line of fans. The look in her eye said otherwise. Yes, she was in a daze, but in the moment she was searching me, looking for a connection, trying to see if I'd enjoyed the show - her Fraud Police were in force that night. She talks about eye contact and communicating by making these connections with people in her book, The Art of Asking . She also talks about the Fraud Police which I'll get to in a minute. For her, these connections are easy to make, second nature really. She's been making them since she was fresh out of college earning money as a living statue (and yes, earning is the right word, it's not a job I envy)

A Song of Ice and Fire - Finally I'm Up to Date

Last night I stayed up later than was wise because I was so close to my destination and I had to reach it. And reach it I did, I finished A Dance of Dragons and am finally up to date with George R.R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. Now I join the throngs waiting for the next book. It's called an epic fantasy and it really is in every sense, and reading it is certainly a journey. There are many fantastic vistas, especially when you get into the later books (which I guess will end up being the middle books by the time this thing is done), and I've loved visiting them and learning of the cultures and histories which are all vividly painted. The characters are equally strong and Martin alters the writing to fit each perspective well, which can make the text read in troubling ways at times, but these are troubling characters and disturbing times. The saga is certainly dark, with sometimes shocking violence and of course plenty of sex which is often quite twisted itself. H